Gita 1 Projects

This is my webpage for Computer Science/GITA 1 and I am
learning C# this year. It is a coding language to develop
Window's apps.


Date: 9/12/2017

In this program we learn to make buttons and change label text.

Help Page

Date: 9/19/2017

In this program we learn to make buttons make things appear and disappear.

Mailing Label

Date: 9/26/17

In this program we took text from textboxes and outputted it into formatted labels.


Date: 10/5/17

In this progrom we took numbers from textboxes, calculated, and outputted them into label.

Car Rental

Date: 10/11/17

In this program we outputted text info AND number calculations into a label using radio buttons, check boxes, and textboxes.

Random Numbers

Date: 10/17/17

In this program we learn how to generate random numbers.

Test Scores

Date: 10/19/17

In this program we calculate the average of two inputted scores in A, B, C grades and number calculations.


Date: 10/23/17

In this program we generated random numbers and calculated the odds of rolling the sum of the outcomes.


Date: 10/31/17

In this program we recreated the craps game using everything we learned.

Slot Machine

Date: 11/6/17

In this program we used multiple random numbers and if-statements together to do avrious things.


Date: 12/7/17

In this program we created a t-shirt company website to order multiple styles of shirts and adding the totals, averagees, and total sales.

Final Project

Date: 6/13/18

In this program I created a deep-sea-diver simulation where you are attacked with sharks and jellyfish and use air bubbles to stay alive.

Gita 2 Projects

This is my webpage for Computer Science/GITA 2 and I am
learning html/jacascript this year. It is a coding language to
create webpages.

Tech-page w/ Rollovers

Date: 8/19/18

In this project I created a website w


Date: 9/27/18


Pet Store 1

Date: 10/4/18


Pet Store Radio Buttons

Date: 10/19/18



Date: 11/14/18



Date: 10/31/18


Ball Bounce

Date: 12/14/18


Space Invader 1

Date: 12/21/18


Space Invader AI

Date: 1/20/19


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